Make a Referral

To make a referral to a specific specialist, please click on the button below.

Urgent Referral

The Urgent Referral service is a rapid service intended for any of the following-

  • Urgent clinic appointments for new or to review patients
  • Rapid access to diagnostics
  • Urgent joint injection service
  • Urgent onward referral to specialist opinion

We guarantee to contact the patient directly within 2 working days and arrange a consultation within 5 working days.

Named or Unnamed Referral

Out-patient appointments

The partnership uses the facilities of BMI Albyn Hospital and the charges which arise from your private out-patient medical care may come from both Aberdeen Orthopaedic Network and BMI Albyn Hospital.

Out-patient costs arise from the consultation fee. The initial consultation will vary between £180-200 depending on the consultant seen.

Charges for x-ray, MRI or CT investigations, blood tests and/or other services required for diagnostic purposes will be raised separately.

It is important that the patient confirms with his/her medical insurance provider or other payees, that they will cover the anticipated charges for their private medical care prior to their appointment.

In the event that their treatment/service is not covered fully or partly by their insurer, they will be liable for any costs associated with their care.

Current outpatient consultation fees are available on our website or for further details please telephone 01224 577418


Costs for any operation/procedure will arise from-

1. The hospital
2. The surgeon
3. The anaesthetist

Patients may receive separate invoices directly, or direct payment may be arranged through their insurer, BMI Albyn Hospital or other third parties.

The Surgical Fees will be invoiced by Trust Health Ltd and their insurance company will be invoiced directly by them based on the information provided by them at registration.

Please note that some insurance companies will to cover the full cost of surgical treatment. Patients should be are advised to check all details with your insurer prior to your admission. They will be liable to pay any outstanding out-patient or in-patient balances due.

Aberdeen Orthopaedics can offer some assistance for patients seeking clarification. Patients can call if required please call our Administrator on 01224 577418